Hiya nana,happy new year.xx sorry i havent been for a while its been kind of hectic over christmas,Good news tho eh? mam n sean are engaged im so happy for them and i know u will be too as u liked sean didnt you?Me and Craig are fine,still plodding on,Regan is super getting taller and louder everyday,nicola and the kids are fine,nicolas better now after her hysterectomy,were going to Manchester for a night out for my birthday il be 28 oh my god nana .....i know i know im getting old.Dont see much of Tony these days with him working alot and Vicky being pregnant,gonna be a fab dad.cats are fine dogs are fine,so yeah everythings ok,still think about you all the time, if i see something with a cat on it i think....oh my nana would love that,or if i see a picture of you i just want to pull you out of it and chill with you for a while(wink wink)your wicked nana,a proper legend.xxxxxxxxx lovin you all the world and back again.xxxxxxlove Emma,Craig and Reganxxxx meow from bam .xxxxxx
From Emma on 18/01/2009